Offered Seminars on C and C++
Programming with C
The ANSI/ISO C language seminar. No previous knowledge in programming is required in order to participate. The programming language C is taught on the basis of the ANSI/ISO standards. Today ANSI C is mostly used in embedded software development. That is why the aspects of memory efficiency and runtime behavior are covered in this seminar.
The ANSI/ISO C++ Programming Language
The introduction course to the ANSI/ISO C++ language for developers without previous knowledge in C/C++ programming. Previous knowledge in any compiler language is useful but not required.
Advanced Course on ANSI/ISO C++
The seminar dealing with modern concepts of ANSI/ISO C++. Certain areas of the standard library, generative programming and exception handling are examined. In addition to that, a closer look is taken at the object layout in ANSI/ISO C++ and the role of the compiler and the linker. A solid basic understanding of the C++ language is a requirement for the course.
Standard ISO C++11 and ISO C++14 Seminar
The seminar gives you an understanding of advanced features of the C++ language and of the standard library within the new ISO standard C++ (ISO/IEC 14882:2011) and its extension ISO C++14 (ISO/IEC 14882:2014). It also deals with the difference compared to the old ISO standard from 1998 (ISO/IEC 14882:1998) and to the corrected one from 2003 (ISO/IEC 14882:2003). An average understanding of the C++ language is therefore required for the course.
Standard ISO C++17 Seminar
The seminar gives you an understanding of advanced features of the C++ language and of the standard library within the new ISO standard C++17 (ISO/IEC 14882:2017). It also deals with the difference compared to the old ISO standard from 1998 (ISO/IEC 14882:1998) and to the corrected one from 2003 (ISO/IEC 14882:2003). An average understanding of the C++ language is therefore required for the course.
The C++17 Delta Seminar
The seminar gives you an understanding of the new language features in C++17 and of the extensions of the C++17 standard library compared to the older standards C++11 and C++14. It only deals with the differences between C++17 and the predecessors C++11/14. An average understanding of C++11 or C++14 is therefore required for the course.
C++ for C Programmers
This seminar is specifically conceived for C programmers who need an introduction to C++. We build on the knowledge of C programming techniques, in order to dedicate ourselves entirely to the concepts of ANSI/ISO C++. The requirement for this course is therefore mastering the C language.
Introduction to STL
The standard template library is an essential element of the C++ standard library. It puts into effect the modern concepts in the implementation of data containers and in handling them. The goal of the course is to learn these concepts while using the STL. In addition to that, we present you the library in its components and we learn to use it through a lot of examples. Mastering the basic concepts of ANSI/ISO C++ is a requirement for the seminar.
C++ in Embedded Software Development
This seminar covers essential areas of the use of C++ in embedded software development. The questions of runtime behavior, footprints and code coverage of C++ code are being especially addressed. And also modern object-oriented techniques in the C++ language are examined for their suitability within the embedded environment. The seminar requires a basic understanding of C++.
The MISRA C Rules for the Development of Security-critical Software in the Automotive Industry.
This seminar deals with the rules that were established by the MISRA (The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association) for the software development in the automotive industry and related areas. The rules concern the development with the ANSI/ISO C language and the requirements that apply to security-critical software.
The MISRA C++ Rules for the Development of Security-critical Software in the Automotive Industry
Since 30.05.2008 there is a MISRA rules catalogue for the C++ programming language. This is what this course is about, and it covers the rules with hands-on C++ examples.
The Autosar C++14 Rules for the Development of Security-critical Software in the Automotive Industry
The successor of MISRA C++ standard from 2008. This is what this course is about, and it covers the rules with hands-on C++ examples.
Last modified 10.07.2021