Introduction Seminar on Programming with C#
This course is aimed at newcomers to the C# language. However, it is useful if participants bring along some experience in any other programming language. In the course, the basic concepts of C# and .NET framework are then being practiced in detail with real examples. By doing so, the syntax and the frequently used framework elements are in the foreground. Applications with graphical user interfaces and command-line interface applications are being written.
The following subject matters are covered:
- Historical Evolution of C#
- The Embedding of C# in the .NET Framework
- CIL (MSIL) and CTS
- Basic Syntax
- First Examples
- Getting to know the Compiler
- References
- Object Instancing with
- Garbage Collection
- Standard Data Types
- Strings
- Operators
- Class Concept
- Methods
- Properties
- Name Fields
- Arrays
- Collections
- Data Encapsulation
- Visibility Rules
- Attributes and Methods
- Static Methods and Elements
- Constructors
- The Destructor
- Inheritance
- Overwriting of Methods
- Interfaces
- Polymorphism
- Function Overloading
- Abstract Methods
- Sealed Methods
- Function Overwriting with
- Type Converting
- Type Query
- Reference Types and Value Types
- Boxing, Unboxing and Autoboxing
- Nullable Types
- Exception Handling
- Delegates
- Multidelegates
- Events
- Partial Class Definitions
- Windows Forms
- GUI Programming
- The Event Concept
- Reflection
The C# programming language is learned by means of practical examples. While doing this, an as recent as possible version of Microsoft Visual C# is used on Windows.
It is also possible to perform the examples with Mono on Linux or MacOSX. Only the GUI examples cannot be shown on these platforms.
Last modified 10.07.2021